Kaufman Astoria Studios Celebrates Annual Tree Lighting

Kaufman Arts District celebrated their sixth annual tree lighting on Dec. 7 in Astoria.

New York Commercial Real Estate Rides Production Boom

Fully booked production facilities are one bright spot in New York City’s commercial real estate landscape.

$2 Billion Blockbuster: Kaufman Astoria Studios shoots with Silverstein Properties and BedRock to remake five city blocks

Mention blockbusters that have come from Hollywood’s studios and “Gone with the Wind,” “Star Wars,” “E.T.,” “Avatar” and “Titanic” immediately come to mind. However, for a significant motion picture and television production facility in the New York City metropolitan area, it’s a massive real estate project that could fit the blockbuster category in terms of cost, scope and impact in revitalizing an entire community.

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“I love playing with my friends at KAS!”

- Barley
“Today has been ruff. Playdate, anyone?”
- Blue

“I will bark for belly rubs and maybe treats!”

- Archie